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Wednesday Evening Lenten Program

Wednesdays beginning at 5:30 p.m.

This year’s Lenten Program will be held on Wednesdays beginning with a meal at 5:30. The program will begin at 5:45 and wind up around 6:30. This new format will allow choir members to participate.

The program will be videos from the series Signs of Life: Why Church Matters. “Signs of Life” takes up the central symbols of Christian worship, explores the layers of meaning they carry, and helps us enter more fully into their truth. We learn to live what we pray, and to pray what we live. I hope you will join us for this series, which comes from the heart of our lives as monks, and from the heart of our shared Christian tradition.

Worship engages our deepest human needs and has the power to transform our lives. Join the Brothers of Society of Saint John the Evangelist in exploring the signs and symbols at the heart of Christian worship.

Following the videos there will be time for discussion.

The meal schedule will follow as it has in the past. Different groups in our parish provide the entree, then we ask people who are coming to the dinner to bring a side, salad, or dessert, according to the schedule (first letter of last name).

March 19 Men’s Group
G-M: side or salad, N-Z: desserts

March 26 Hospitality & Outreach Committees
Casseroles- N-Z side or salad, A-F desserts

April 2 Altar Guild
A-F: side or salad, G-M: desserts

April 9 Choir
G-M: side or salad, N-Z: desserts