Info to Know

  • Jesus & Coffee

    Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in Lent at Scout’s Cafe

    Let’s meet up at Scout’s on Fridays in Lent for Morning Prayer & Jesus & Coffee. Prayer Books will be provided, or bring your own.

    Scout’s address is 333 W. Main Street, but the entrance is located around the corner on D Street just north of Main.

  • Wednesday Lenten Program

    This year’s Lenten Program will be held on Wednesdays beginning with a meal at 5:30. The program will begin at 5:45 and wind up around 6:30. This new format will allow choir members to participate.

    The program will be videos from the series Signs of Life: Why Church Matters. “Signs of Life” takes up the central symbols of Christian worship, explores the layers of meaning they carry, and helps us enter more fully into their truth. We learn to live what we pray, and to pray what we live. I hope you will join us for this series, which comes from the heart of our lives as monks, and from the heart of our shared Christian tradition.

    Worship engages our deepest human needs and has the power to transform our lives. Join the Brothers of Society of Saint John the Evangelist in exploring the signs and symbols at the heart of Christian worship. Following the videos there will be time for discussion.

    The meal schedule will follow as it has in the past. Different groups in our parish provide the entree, then we ask people who are coming to the dinner to bring a side, salad, or dessert, according to the schedule (first letter of last name).

    March 12: Vestry
    A-F: side or salad, G-M: desserts

    March 19: Men’s Group
    G-M: side or salad, N-Z: desserts

    March 26: Hospitality & Outreach Committees
    Casseroles- N-Z side or salad, A-F desserts

    April 2: Altar Guild
    A-F: side or salad, G-M: desserts

    April 9: Choir
    G-M: side or salad, N-Z: desserts

  • Host a Sunday Lunch or a Parish Potluck

    Every month we have a Parish Potluck and a Sunday Lunch, and we are looking for ministry groups to host these social and outreach events.

    For the Sunday Lunch your group would volunteer to serve the meal, clear tables and do the clean up.

    For the Parish Potluck the ministry group would select the main course while parishioners bring the side dishes. In the past the main course has been loaded potatoes, taco bar, and sub sandwiches.

    Please speak to those in your group and let Crystal know when you would like to help out. Ministry groups can include: Acolytes, Altar Guild, Chalicists, Subdeacons, Greeters, Lectors, Parish Choir, Youth Group, Friend’s Bible Study, The Group Book Study, Eucharistic Visitors, Landscape Committee, Men’s Group Sunday Suppers, Parish Staff, Vestry — or a group of your friends.

  • New QR “Giving” code

    Your offering supports the ongoing mission of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church.

    Contributions are welcome by using the QR code found in the bulletins, by placing checks and cash in the collection plate, or here on our website by pressing the Give button in the upper righthand corner.

  • The Friends Class @ St. Philip’s

    Spring Theme: “Embracing Life”

    This spring, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Embracing Life.” They offer a series of lessons in two units during Lent and the weeks following that encourage us to consider what we need to let go of and what we need to take on as followers of Jesus.

  • Pastoral Care Committee

    The St. Philip’s Vestry recently formed a new committee for pastoral care and Jane Ann Bramlett has graciously agreed to chair the committee. During this transition time, the vestry felt it was critical to pay close attention to the needs of our parishioners. If you or someone else in the parish is struggling, is in the hospital, or has a pastoral need, please call the parish office. To avoid Jane Ann getting too many calls or text messages at work, we ask that you call the parish office before calling Jane Ann directly.

  • Prayer List

    To add someone to the prayer list, please contact Crystal in the office 580-226-2191 or Susan Habeck at 580-319-1467.