Serving in Worship
Call our office at 580-226-2191 if you’re interested in learning more about these opportunities.
Members of the St. Philip’s Acolytes include the crucifers, torch bearers and subdeacons. They carry the cross, candles and Gospel book in the processionals and assist with the offertory. They also help at the Altar during the setting of the table for communion.
Adults and young people in grades six through college are invited to consider this ministry as are adults.
Chalicists, or Chalice Bearers, are Eucharistic Ministers appointed and licensed by the church to assist in the administration of the sacrament in worship. Chalicists serve with the priest in the offering of communion to the people, following the consecration of the elements by the celebrant.
Adults and young people can be licensed by the bishop as chalice bearers, once they have been instructed by the rector. It is a vital ministry near to the center of the church’s worship and sharing of the sacrament.
Lectors (Readers)
A lay person trained in reading scripture to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. A lector may also be known as a reader. Training workshops are offered periodically. This ministry is open to anyone who is able to read, even the youngest members (readers) of the congregation.
Ushers are on hand to offer a friendly greeting, welcome those who are new to St. Philip’s, and assist in the smooth progress of the liturgy. They are available to answer questions about the Mass and to assist with special needs that may arise during services.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of women and men who support the clergy in preparing the church for worship and maintaining vestments and liturgical appointments of the church.
Camera & Sound
The camera and sound team assists during the service by helping us stream our worship online. This volunteer opportunity is currently suspended due to an issue with our sound cable.
Altar Flowers
Call the parish oftice to reserve your date. Altar flowers are given to the glory of God, and then in honor of, in memory of, or in thanksgiving for or celebration of a person or occasion. After the 10:30 a.m. service, the bouquets are delivered to hospitalized or shut-in parishioners, or to those celebrating a milestone occasion. Suggested donation for altar flowers is $75 (or whatever amount you can afford).