Youth Group at St. Philip’s
Weekly Meetings
We meet every Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. service until 1:30 p.m. ALL 6th through 12th grade youth are welcome! We have lunch, play games, do fun activities, study the Bible, pray, and worship.
Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Fun Outings & Growing in Faith
Fun Outings ~ In addition to weekly meetings, we regularly go to the movies and do fun activities like bowling, go karting at the Clubhouse, Escape Rooms, and more! Check out our semester schedule to see what’s coming up.
Growing in Faith ~ There are also many other incredible opportunities through youth group, such as camps and retreats with our friends around the state at St. Crispin’s Camp in Wewoka, OK, and opportunities to serve “the least of these” (Matt. 25:31-45) at St. Philip’s monthly meal kitchen, Sunday Lunch.
Bourland Scholarship News
High School Seniors
If you are a graduating high school Senior and you plan to continue your studies at university, college, or in vocational training you may be eligible for financial assistance from St. Philip's. To check your eligibility, request an application form from the church office or email stpbourland@gmail.com Applications for the Fall semester close on June 20.Current or Renewing Scholarship Recipients
Please submit a copy of your official transcript and coming semester classes by June 20. All applications and transcripts should be mailed or delivered to the Parish Office.