Music Connects Us:
Listening to music and singing together connect us with God and each other in unique ways. Worshiping through music changes and transforms us. It inclines our hearts to God and to our community of faith in ways other forms can't accomplish.
St. Philip’s Choir
St. Philip's Choir leads and supports the congregation's worship. Anthems and other musical offerings amplify and enhance the worship experience. On regular occasions, string and wind instruments augment the choir and organ.
St. Philip’s Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings in the music room at 6:30 p.m. and at a Sunday morning warm up in the Chancel at 10 a.m.
Instrumentalists are invited to speak with the music director about how they may participate in the music program.
Contact our Choral Director, Susan Yeager, for more information.
St. Philip’s organist, Leen Latoree, accompanies the choir and plays for all of the 10:30 services.